You may have heard people talk about toxic torts and wonder what exactly this means. The word tort is a legal term for an act or failure to act that causes injury to someone else. Unlike criminal cases, tort claims are brought in civil court and are based on...
The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation
Law Firm
The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation Law Firm
Defective Product Litigation
Avoid these common mistakes in your product liability case
When you buy a product, any product, you expect that it’s been vetted for safety. While a product that you buy probably has been tested for safety to a certain extent, all too often, dangerous products find their way onto store shelves. If you end up with one of these...
Eyedrops recalled due to bacterial contamination
Eyedrops are something we rely on to avoid dry and itchy eyes and help reduce redness or puffiness. They can help our eyes remain healthy and moisturized, and many Texas residents rely on eyedrops for this purpose. You probably never imagined that eyedrops could cause...
Proving harm in a toxic tort claim
There’s no doubt that some occupations pose more risks to workers than others. This is often due to the actual work done by an employee or their work environment. When it comes to toxic substances, work duties and work environment are generally the reasons an...
An overview of toxic tort litigation in Texas
“Toxic tort” is a general legal term that covers the legal issues surrounding exposure to substances that are inherently toxic and the manufacturers’ liability for damages caused by exposure to the drug. Exposure to a toxic chemical or substance most often occurs in...
FDA warns consumers not to use type of electric heating pad
Manufacturers may have to abide by a dizzying number of regulations before they can put their products on the market in the United States, but sometimes dangerous products slip through. And when they do, consumers can be badly injured. Recently, the FDA issued a...
Sleep apnea and ventilator device problems
Medical devices can improve people’s health and save their lives in myriad ways. Texans and people across the nation who use these products are reasonable in expecting that they will be tested for safety before they are released to the public. If people are harmed by...
Recouping losses after a bad trade deal
The debacle posed by Syngenta’s misrepresentation of imported GMO grain from China a decade ago led to the largest agricultural class-action lawsuit in the history of this country. In 2018, the $1.51 billion settlement represented corn producers, ethanol plants and...
Anatomy of a products liability case
Defective products are responsible for thousands of injuries in Texas and across the United States every year. A defective product is any product that is unreasonably dangerous and that can cause injury when a consumer uses it according to its intended purpose. Some...
Hearing loss claims among military personnel
Military personnel have given years of their lives in service to our country. To come away after their term of duty is finished with hearing loss, due to defective equipment that the U.S. military provided to them, is an unnecessary and unacceptable sacrifice....