Television commercials advertising prescription drugs are becoming increasingly common. While some of these commercials may seem to be light-hearted or abstract, the fact of the matter is that they aim to increase the profits of the drug manufacturers. A rapidly-told list of all possible side effects can go by so quickly that consumers in Texas and nationwide may not be able to understand just how dangerous some drugs can be.
One might expect that these advertisements follow federal guidelines, but the reality may be much different. One study suggests that many of these advertisements violate federal guidelines and thus may do more harm than good. However, due to a rollback in regulations of these commercials by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, inaccurate and misleading information can be found in some of these advertisements.
Many physicians believe these commercials pose a danger to patients. In 2015, the American Medical Association requested that these advertisements be banned from television, as they increase demand for the medications advertised, even when the medications are not appropriate. Moreover, they often lacked enough information about the risks posed by the advertised medications for patients to have a complete understanding of what dangers a medication may present.
In the end, dangerous drugs can be advertised on television, and patients may be induced by these commercials to try the medications. However, if a medication proves to cause substantial harm to a patient, that patient might want to pursue dangerous drug litigation. It is important to hold manufacturers of dangerous drugs accountable when they promote medications that prove to be unsafe. When legal action is taken, these medications can be taken off the market and those harmed may be appropriately compensated.