When a Houston resident’s carelessness cause’s someone else’s injury, either physical or financial, the injured party may be able to receive compensation for their injuries. A toxic tort refers to an injury caused by exposure to a toxic substance. Industrial advances...
The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation
Law Firm
The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation Law Firm
Month: May 2021
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What is an unavoidably unsafe product?
Pharmaceuticals exist to treat many different medical ailments. A Texas resident may be prescribed several different drugs to treat their medical needs and to help them improve their health. The medications that they are prescribed by their doctors and health care...
Texas legislators seek safer storage of toxic chemicals
A string of Texas disasters in the past few years, from Hurricane Harvey, chemical fires in Corpus Christi, Houston and Deer Park, to the recent freak winter storm, are prompting state Democratic lawmakers to press for more stringent standards for above-ground...