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The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation Law Firm

Patient injuries caused by defective medical devices

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2024 | Defective Medical Device Litigation |

Medical devices are designed to help patients, but if a medical device is defective, it can cause them serious harm.

Medical device defects

A hip implant is a relatively common type of medical device. It often has metal parts, which, if defective, can cause tissue damage and the implant itself can fail. This can cause the patient a significant amount of pain.

If a patient has been in an accident that affects their spine, they may need a bone graft. Bone grafts are used often in surgeries to fuse the spine, but defects in the devices used for this process can cause damage to the bones and nerves.

Pacemakers are used for cardiac patients but can fail if they have a battery error or are affected by a security incident that causes them to stop working. Likewise, defective insulin pumps can cause patient harm if they distribute the wrong insulin dose.

Other injuries

Medical device defects can cause a patient to have complications or reactions to the materials used, such as infections and inflammation. This may be especially true where the medical device breaks down and the patient is exposed to toxins.

Infections can occur where the medical device is not sterilized properly and a faulty device cause organ damage if it moves out of place. Patients can suffer from long-term, chronic pain or can be disabled because of the complications defective medical devices can cause.

Injured patients can pursue compensation for their pain and suffering and medical expenses, which often increase if they need corrective procedures.