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The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation Law Firm

Hurricane Harvey Checklist

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2017 | Firm News |

You’ve suffered greatly from the hurricane, and you’re not sure what to do next. Here’s a list to get you through this step by step.

  1. File a claim. Tell your insurance company in writing to start the claims process. Thousands of people were displaced by Hurricane Harvey and shelter after shelter exceeded maximum capacity. You can imagine how many of those people will be filing claims. Get in line as soon as you can.
  2. Document damages. Document what went under water or got damaged by the wind. It’s labor-intensive and exhausting, but make a list of everything you lost to the flood or the storm. Submit your claim first, but as you wait to hear back from the insurance company. Get started on the documentation they’ll need when they get back to you.
  3. Know your coverage. Texas insurance laws are complex, and it is important to know what is covered under your policy. It is likely you have multiple policies, and you may be working with different agencies, including your first-party insurer, FEMA or TWIA.
  4. Wait for the adjuster. You’ll want to get all your soaked and beyond repair flooring and furniture to the curb for heavy trash pickup, but see if you can wait for an adjuster to come out. Store what you can for when they do make their house visit as the federal program requires the actual materials and not just photographs. It will also be important to be patient with repairs — try temporary workarounds, but avoid anything permanent that can’t be undone.
  5. Specificity is key. Receipts are incredibly helpful, as are as many details that you have for any items you lost, including brand names, model numbers and serial numbers.
  6. Write everything down. Keep a log of anything and everything related to your hurricane-damaged property, especially conversations you can refer back to later if you run into trouble with your claim.
  7. If your claim is denied, do not give up. You have options to appeal to your insurance provider and pursue litigation with the help of a lawyer, if necessary.

Have Questions?

Call the attorneys at Clark, Love & Hutson, PLLC at any point in your claims process for a free consultation.