Determining who is liable for defective drugs can be a complex scenario. While the manufacturer is often the primary party responsible, pharmacies can also be held accountable in some instances. Who is liable for defective drugs? Generally, the manufacturer is liable...
The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation
Law Firm
The Nationally Recognized Plaintiffs Litigation Law Firm
Month: August 2024
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Toxic tort claims and the elements you must prove
The negligence or carelessness of another could suddenly and detrimentally impact you. This unexpected harm could significantly alter your physical, mental and financial health due to the considerable damages suffered. In any tort matter, this involves a civil...
What makes “toxic tort” litigation different?
Most of our readers probably know that the legal term “tort” refers to wrongful, reckless or negligent acts that could lead to a personal injury lawsuit being filed. Under the umbrella of “tort” law we see somewhat specialized areas, such as premises liability law,...