Many Houston residents want to look good, and products that help them achieve this goal are often top sellers. For many men hair loss is a sensitive subject. There are prescription medications that men can take to treat hair loss — Propecia is one of those medications. Propecia is a popular prescription drug that treats male pattern baldness but it may also have dangerous drug side effects.
One side effect that has emerged is the risk of suicide for people who take Propecia. The warning label on Propecia included sexual side effects but had no warning of depression until late 2010. The label still does not warn of suicide despite the many reports saying that patients have suffered from neurological side effects. It is believed that the drug manufacturer, Merck, is negligent in its failure to warn of serious side effects for Propecia.
When a prescription medical has dangerous side effects consumers can suffer serious side effects, including death. Drug manufacturers have the responsibility to make sure the drugs they provide are safe and effective. Many times drug manufacturers rush drugs to the market and don’t take the necessary steps to make sure the drugs are thoroughly tested. When this happens serious side effects can happen.
If people believes they have suffered from a dangerous drug they may want to speak with a legal professional skilled in drugs and medical devices. It is important to hold the drug manufacturers responsible for injuries so their drug doesn’t harm anyone else. For the families of those killed, a wrongful death suit may be appropriate.
Propecia has many serious side effects including sexual, depression and suicide. Although men want to look their best unfortunately some medications have side effects that may not be worth the risk.